ampersand [ 'æmpəsænd ] &(=and)号 e.g.
amphibian [ æm'fibiən ] a. 两栖类的,水陆两用的
n. 两栖动物,水陆两用飞机,水陆两用车 e.g. 1. Frogs and newts are amphibians. 青蛙和蝾螈都是两栖动物.
2. The excretory opening of the digestive tract in animals such as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. 肛门鸟、爬行动物、两栖动物以及鱼等动物的消化道的排泄口
ample [ 'æmpl ] a. 充足的,丰富的 e.g. 1. We have ample time. 我们有充足的时间。
2. The house has an ample parlor. 这座房子有宽敞的客厅。
amplification [ ˌæmplifi'keiʃən ] n. 扩大, 扩充,膨胀
n. 详述, 引伸,推广
n. 增幅, 放大(率), 放大倍数[系数] e.g.
amplifier [ 'æmplifaiə ] n. 放大器,扩音机 e.g. 1. This is an amplifier. 这是一个放大器。
2. I bought an amplifier yesterday. 我昨天买了一个扩音器。
amplify [ 'æmpliˌfai ] v. 扩大,详述,使...增幅 e.g. 1. A figure of a head worn by actors in Greek and Roman drama to identify a character or trait and to amplify the voice. 面具古希腊和罗马的戏剧演员佩戴的人物面具或头部面具,用以标明戏中人物性格或品质,同时扩大声音
2. Any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more discrete frequencies of highly amplified and coherent ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation. 激光器使偶然的混杂频率的电磁辐射,变为一个或更多的高度强化和连续的紫外线、可见光或红外线辐射的分离频率仪器中的一种
amplitude [ 'æmplitju:d ] n. 广阔,充足,增幅
n. 振幅、波幅(物理) e.g. 1. The amplitude or loudness of a sound. 音量声音的响度或强度
2. A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal. 鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参考信号的不同程度而异
amputate [ 'æmpjuteit ] v. 切断 e.g. 1. Her arm is so badly injured they will have to amputate (it). 她的胳膊伤势严重, 他们不得不锯掉(它).
2. Her leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate. 她的那条腿伤得很厉害,医师只得将其截除。
amputation [ ˌæmpju'teiʃən ] n. 截肢 e.g. 1. A prosthesis was fitted after the amputation. 截肢之後安装了义肢.
amuse [ ə'mju:z ] v. 消遣,娱乐,使...发笑 e.g. 1. The boys amuse themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher. 男孩子们以画老师的漫画取乐。
2. The actors were really hamming it up to amuse the audience. 这些演员为博观众一粲, 表演得实在太过火了.
amused [ ə'mju:zd ] a. 有趣的 e.g. 1. She has an amused twinkle in her eye(s). 她高兴得双目熠熠发亮.
2. His amusing performance caused a roar of laughter in the audience. 他那有趣的表演引起了观众的哄堂大笑。
amusement [ ə'mju:zmənt ] n. 娱乐,消遣 e.g. 1. I find amusement in collecting stamps. 我发现了集邮的乐趣。
2. She watched their fumbling efforts with wry amusement. 她看著他们手忙脚乱地瞎使劲, 不觉莞尔.
an [ æn ] art. 一 e.g. 1. Australia is an English speaking nation. 澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。
2. The city is at an elevation of 2000 metres. 这座城市海拔2000米.
anabolism n. 同化,同化作用 e.g.
analgesia [ ˌænəl'dʒi:ziə ] n. 无痛,止痛法 e.g.
analgesic [ ˌænəl'dʒi:zik ] a. 止痛的
n. 镇痛剂 e.g. 1. Aspirin is a mild analgesic. 阿司匹林是药性平和的止痛药.
2. An agent, such as an analgesic drug, that relieves pain. 镇痛剂一种药剂,如止痛药,减轻疼痛
analog [ 'ænəlɔ:g ] n. 类似(模拟量) e.g. 1. Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels. 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
2. Pertaining to a device that operates in a proportional or continuous manner, such as an analog amplifier. Not discrete or digital, but analog. 用于修饰或说明一种设备(工作特性)的术语,这种设备以成比例或连续方式进行工作,例如用于说明模拟放大器的工作特性不是离散的或数字的,而是模拟的。
analogue [ 'ænəlɔg ] n. 类似物,模拟 e.g. 1. A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogues. 素食者所摄取的蛋白质不是来自肉类而是来自近似肉类的食物.
2. A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机.
analogy [ ə'nælədʒi ] n. 相似,类似 e.g. 1. It is not always reliable to argue by analogy. 用类推法论证并不总是可靠的。
2. Other executives think the Japanese influence will be less dramatic and dismiss the automobile analogy, saying that manufacturing cars is a far cry from the creative nature of Hollywood's endeavors. 其他高级职员认为日本的影响不会那么大,认为不能与汽车相提并论。他们说制造汽车与好莱坞的创造性企业截然不同。
analysis [ ə'næləsis ] n. 分析,解析 e.g. 1. Close analysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。
2. In the final analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play. 总之,我们认为我们都同情剧中的女主人公。
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