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a A and B agglutinogens A AND NOT B gate A as well as B A B. S. pill
a back number a bad actor a bad egg a bad hat a bad job
a bad life a bad lot a bad quarter of an hour a bad shot a bad word
a bag of bones a bag of wind a baker's dozen a ball of fortune a barber's cat
a bare possibility a bas a basket of currencies a battalion of a battery
a beam in sb.'s own eye a beaten path a beaten track a bed of down a bed of flowers
a bed of honor a bed of roses a bee in one's bonnet a besetting sin a best man
a big deal a big pot a big shot A bile a Bill of Oblivion
a bird in the bush a bird in the hand A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush a bird of ill omen a bird of Jove
a bird of Juno a bird of paradise a bird of passage a bird of wonder a bit and a sup
a bit at a time a bit of a bit of a... a bit of... a bit thick
a black sheep a blank cheque a blank sheet a blind alley a blot on one's escutcheon
a blue dahlia a blue moon a body of... a bolt from the blue a bone of contention
A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near a box and needle a boy in buttons a brand from the burning a breath of life
a bridge of gold a broken reed a bull in a china shop a bunch of fives a bundle of nerves
a bundle of... A burnt child dreads the fire a business zone a calendar year a call of nature
a call to arms a case in point a case of crabs a castle in the air A cat has nine lives
a cat in the pan A cat may look at a king a cattle yard A cell A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
a change for the better a change of heart a change of scene a chapter of accidents a child of fortune
a child of nature a child of sb.'s loins a chip in porridge a chip of the old block a chose in possession
a civil year a class a clean sheet a clergyman's sore throat a clinging vine
a close call a close shave a close thing a coat of arms a cock of the loft
a cock of the walk a cold cook a common soldier a common year a conceited pup
a conspiracy of silence a convenient memory a coon's age a copper captain a cotton zone
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