释义 |
n[U, sing]
continuing loud confused noise 持续的嘈杂声; 不停的喧闹
They made so much din that I couldn´t hear you. 他们太吵了, 我听不见你说的话.
Don´t make such a din! 别吵啦!
make/kick up a din 大闹一场. din, v (-nn-)
1 (idm 习语) din in sb´s ears sound or echo in one´s ears 在耳中轰鸣; 在耳中回响; 聒耳
They drove away from the city centre, the roar of the traffic still dinning in their ears. 他们驶出了市中心, 但车来人往的喧嚣声仍在耳中回响.
2 (phr v) din sth into sb tell sb sth again and again in a forceful way 向某人再三强调某事; 就某事反覆叮嘱某人
I dinned it into him that he had to manage things differently. 我三番五次告诉他得改一改处理事情的方法了. DIN, abbr 缩写 = (of a scale of film speeds) German Industry Standard (German Deutsche Industrie-Norm) (指胶卷感光度)德国工业标准(源自德文Deutsche Industrie-Norm). Cf 参看 ASA 2, ISO.