(fml or rhet 文或修辞)
1 make (sth) dirty or impure 使(某物)肮脏或不纯
rivers defiled by pollution 受污染的河流
(fig 比喻) a noble cause defiled by the greed of its supporters 被拥护者的贪婪所玷污的高尚事业.
2 make (sth) unfit for holy ceremonies; desecrate 亵渎(神明)
The altar had been defiled by vandals. 圣坛遭到破坏公物的人故意损坏.
defile n narrow pass through mountains 山中的狭道. defile, v [I]
(of troops) march in single file or a narrow column (指部队)成单行或纵队行进.