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单词 align
释义 align v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) place or arrange (a thing or things) in a straight line 将(某物)放置或排列在一条直线上     a row of trees aligned with the edge of the road 与路边成一直线的一排树. (b) [Tn] put (the parts of a machine) into the correct position in relation to each other 将(机器的部件)安装到相互间正确的位置上     align the wheels of a car 校准汽车的轮子. 2 [Tn.pr] ~ oneself with sb join sb as an ally; come into agreement with sb 与某人结盟; 与某人一致     The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists. 共产党与社会党结成了联盟.



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