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单词 abort
释义 abort v 1 (medical医) (a) [Tn] cause (sb/sth) to undergo abortion 使流产; 使堕胎     abort an expectant mother, a deformed foetus, the pregnancy 为孕妇, 因为胎儿畸形, 为终止妊娠做人工流产. (b) [I] undergo abortion; miscarry 流产; 小产     She aborted after four months. 她怀孕四个月後流产了. 2 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) end prematurely and unsuccessfully (使某事物)中止, 夭折     abort a space mission, ie cancel it in space, usu because of mechanical trouble 中止一次航天任务(通常因机械故障而在太空中取消该任务)     abort a computer program 中止计算机的程序.



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