v[I, Ip]
(a) make sniffing noises 用鼻子吸气发出声音; 抽鼻子
The dog was snuffling around the roots of a tree. 那条狗在树根处嗅来嗅去.
(b) breathe noisily (as when the nose is partly blocked with catarrh) 呼吸发出声音(如因黏膜发炎)
a child snuffling with a bad cold 因患重感冒鼻子呼呼有声的小孩. snuffle, n act or sound of snuffling 抽鼻子(声); (鼻腔受阻的)呼吸(声)
speak in/with a snuffle, ie with a blocked nose 抽著鼻子说话.