1 skin of the head excluding the face 头皮(头顶及其周围的皮肤)
dandruff flaking off one´s scalp 从头皮上脱落下的头皮屑.
2 this and the hair rooted in it, formerly cut off a dead enemy as a trophy by some N American Indians 带发头皮(旧时北美印第安人取自敌人头颅作为战利品的)
(fig 比喻) be after sb´s scalp, ie want to punish, take revenge on sb, etc 想整治某人(惩罚、 报复等). scalp, v [Tn]
take the scalp(2) from (an enemy) 剥(敌人)的头皮
(joc 谑) You´ve just about scalped me! ie cut my hair very short. 你把我的头发剪得真短!