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单词 response
释义 response n ~ (to sb/sth) 1 [C, U] answer 回答; 答覆: She made no response. 她没有回答.     In response to your inquiry... 兹答覆您的询问...     His accusations brought an immediate response. 他提出指控後迅即得到答覆. 2 [C, U] act or feeling produced in answer to a stimulus; reaction 反应; 响应     a poor, generous, united, etc response to the appeal for funds 对徵集资金的呼吁反应甚微、 积极响应、 群起响应等     Her cries for help met with no, some, little, etc response. 她那求救的呼声没有激起任何、 激起了一些、 没有激起什麽...反应.     The tax cuts produced a favourable response from the public. 税额削减受到了公众的欢迎. 3 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (religion 宗) part of the liturgy said or sung by the people at a church service in answer to the priest (礼拜时会众对牧师的)应答, 唱和. Cf 参看 versicle.



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