(fml 文)
1 [U] ~ of sth action of pursuing (pursue 2) sth 追求; 寻求; 从事; 进行
The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润.
She devoted her life to the pursuit of pleasure. 她一生都在寻求享乐.
2 [C usu pl 通常作复数]
thing to which one gives one´s time, energy, etc; occupation or activity 花时间、 精力等做的事; 职业
artistic, literary, scientific pursuits 艺术的、 文学的、 科学的研究
be engaged in/devote oneself to worthwhile pursuits 从事[献身於]有意义的活动.
3 (idm 习语) in pursuit (of sb/sth) with the aim of catching sb/sth 追捕某人[某物]
thirty grown men in pursuit of a single fox 追猎一只狐狸的三十名成年男子. in pursuit of sth with the aim of obtaining sth 追求某事物
people travelling about the country in pursuit of work 到全国各地寻找工作的人们. in (hot) pur`suit pursuing (closely and with determination) 穷追不舍
a fox with the hounds in hot pursuit 被猎犬穷追的狐狸.