释义 |
1 [C, U] place where ships load and unload cargo or shelter from storms; harbour 港; 港口
a naval/fishing port 军[渔]港
The ship spent four days in port. 该船在港口里停泊了四天.
They reached port at last. 他们终於抵港了.
2 [C] town or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationed 港口城市(尤指船只装卸货物并设有关卡者); 港市; 口岸
Rotterdam is a major port. 鹿特丹是个重要的港口城市.
[attrib 作定语]
the port authorities 港务局.
3 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) any place where goods or people enter or leave a country 货物或人员出入境的任何场所
an airport 飞机场 * a port of entry 进口港.
4 (idm 习语) any port in a `storm (saying esp ironic 谚, 尤作反语) in times of trouble or difficulty one takes whatever help is available 危难之时任何解救方法均可一试; 慌不择路.
port n (nautical 海)
1 opening in the side of a ship where people may enter or for loading and unloading cargo (船的)舱门, 上下货口.
2 = porthole.
port n [U]
the side of a ship or aircraft that is on the left when one is facing forward (船或飞行器的)左舷
put the helm to port 把舵转向左舷
The ship was leaning over to port. 船正向左舷倾斜.
[attrib 作定语]
the port side 左舷
a port tack, ie a course sailed with the wind blowing on the port side 左舷抢风航行. Cf 参看 starboard.
port n
(a) [U] strong sweet (usu dark-red) wine made in Portugal 波尔图葡萄酒(产自葡萄牙, 性醇, 通常为深红色).
(b) [C] glass of this 一杯波尔图葡萄酒.