(a) [sing or pl v]
political affairs or life 政治事务; 政治生活; 政治活动: party politics 政党政治
local politics 地方上的政治活动
He´s thinking of going into politics, eg trying to become a Member of Parliament. 他正打算参政(如争取当下院议员).
(b) [pl] political views, beliefs 政治观点; 政治信仰
What are your politics? 你的政见如何?
(c) [sing v] (derog 贬) rivalry between political parties 政党之间的斗争
They´re not concerned with welfare
it´s all politics! 他们并非关心福利问题, 完全是党同伐异.
2 [sing v] = political science (political)
She´s reading politics at university. 她在大学里攻读政治学.
3 [sing v] (derog 贬) manoeuvring for power or advantage within a group or organization 权术; 勾心斗角
office politics 公务上的争权夺利
church politics 教会的明争暗斗.