释义 |
(fml 文)
1 (of a person) deliberately continuing to behave in a way that is wrong, unreasonable or unacceptable (指人)固执错误的, 背理的, 不合常情的
a perverse child 任性的孩子
You are being unnecessarily perverse. 你无谓一意孤行.
2 [esp attrib 尤作定语]
(of behaviour) stubbornly unreasonable (指行为)任性的, 蛮不讲理的
his perverse refusal to see a doctor 他那拒不就医的固执态度
It would be perverse to take a different view. 持异议之见未免不近情理.
a perverse decision, judgement, etc, ie one that ignores the facts or evidence 罔顾事实的决定、 裁决等.
3 [esp attrib 尤作定语]
(of feelings) unreasonableor excessive (指感情)不近情理的, 过分的
take a perverse pleasure in upsetting one´s parents 以忤逆父母作反常之乐
a perverse desire to shock 故意使人吃惊的反常心理.