释义 |
adj (-ier, -iest)
1 unpleasantly dark; gloomy 阴暗的; 昏暗的
a murky night, with no moon 昏暗无月的夜
The light was too murky to continue playing. 光线太暗不能再玩耍了.
London´s streets, murky with November fog. 伦敦的街道, 在十一月的雾中模糊不清.
2 (of water) dirty; unclear (指水)脏的, 混浊的
She threw it into the river´s murky depths. 她把它扔进了混浊的河水深处.
3 (fig derog or joc 比喻, 贬或谑) (of people´s actions or character) not known but suspected of being immoral or dishonest (指人的行为或性格)可疑的, 不可告人的
She had a decidedly murky past. 她的历史背景令人捉摸不透.