释义 |
1 [U] control and organization (of a business, etc) (企业等的)管理, 经营
The failure was caused by bad management. 这种挫折是经营不善所致.
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a management course, consultant 管理课程、 顾问.2 [CGp] all those who control a business, enterprise, etc (公司、 企业等的)主管人员, 管理部门, 资方
Management/The management is/are considering closing the factory. 主管部门正在考虑把工厂关闭.
joint consultation between workers and management 劳方与资方间的协商
The business is under new management. 该公司正由新的管理人员领导.
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a top management job 高层管理工作.
3 [U] skill in dealing with people 与人交往的技巧; 手腕
She gets them to accept these changes by tactful management. 她以圆滑的手腕说服他们接受这些变动.