释义 |
1 small error, esp one caused by forgetfulness or inattention 小错; (尤指)记错, 疏忽:A brief lapse in the final set cost her the match. 她在最後一盘稍有失误而致比赛失败.
It was a superb performance, despite occasional lapses of intonation. 演出非常成功, 唯偶有音调失误.
2 ~ (from sth) (into sth) fall or departure from correct or usual standards; backsliding 堕落; 失足
Wives were expected to forgive their husbands´ lapses, ie forgive them when they were unfaithful. 希望做妻子的原谅丈夫一时行为失检(不忠).
The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling. 因出现几句谩骂, 辩论会不欢而散.
a lapse from grace, ie becoming out of favour 失宠.
3 passing of a period of time (时间的)流逝, 过去
after a lapse of six months 相隔六个月之後.
4 (law 律) ending of a right, etc because of disuse (权利等的)失效, 中止, 结束, 消失(因不行使所致). lapse, v
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) (into sth) fail to maintain one´s position or standard 未能保持自己的立场或标准
lapse back into bad habits 重又沾染坏习惯
a lapsed Catholic 叛教的天主教徒.
2 [Ipr] ~ into sth sink or pass gradually into sth 陷入或进入某状态
She lapsed into a coma. 她逐渐陷入昏迷状态.
3 [I] (law 律) (of rights and privileges) be lost or invalid because not used, claimed or renewed (指权利、 特权)(因未行使、 无要求或未延期)丧失, 失效
He didn´t get any compensation because his insurance policy had lapsed. 他因保险单失效未得任何补偿.