释义 |
1 (abbr 缩写 Kt) man to whom the sovereign has given a rank of honour, lower than that of baronet, having the title `Sir´ used before the first name, with or without the surname 爵士(低於准男爵的等级, 其名前冠以Sir, 带不带姓均可)
Sir James Hill (Kt) 詹姆斯?希尔爵士
Good morning, Sir James. 早上好, 詹姆斯爵士.
2 (in the Middle Ages) man raised to honourable military rank, serving as a heavily armed horseman (中古时代的)骑士.
3 (abbr 缩写 Kt) chess piece, usu shaped like a horse´s head (国际象棋的)马. =>illus at chess 见chess插图. knight, v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态
Tn, Tn.pr]
make (sb) a knight 封(某人)为爵士
He was knighted in the last Honours List (for services to industry). 他对工业界有贡献被封为爵士, 列入最新受勋者名册.