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单词 aspect
释义 aspect n 1 [C] particular part or feature of sth being considered 方面     look at every aspect of the problem 看这问题的各个方面. 2 [sing] (fml 文) (esp of people) appearance or look (尤指人)样子, 容貌, 神态     a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect 面目狰狞的彪形大汉. 3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] side of a building that faces a particular direction (建筑物的)方向, 方位     The house has a southern aspect. 这所房子朝南. 4 [C] (in astrology) relative position of stars and planets, thought to influence events on earth 星位(占星术中命星与行星间的相对位置, 认为可影响人间事物). 5 [C] (grammar) range of meanings expressed by the verb forms have + past participle (eg has worked) or be + present participle (eg is working) 体(动词的语法范畴, 以have+过去分词表示, 如 has worked, 或以be+现在分词表示, 如 is working).



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