释义 |
(a) [Tn, Tn.pr]
~ oneself/sb (with sth) allow oneself/sb to have whatever one/he likes or wants 放纵自己[某人]
They indulge their child too much; it´s bad for his character. 他们过分纵容孩子, 这对孩子的性格有不良影响.
I´m really going to indulge myself tonight with a bottle of champagne. 今天晚上我可真要放纵一下自己, 喝他一瓶香槟.
(b) [Tn] (fml 文) allow (sb) to proceed without interrupting or hindering him 容许或迁就(某人)做要做的事
If you will indulge me for one moment (ie allow me to continue to speak), I think I can explain the matter to you. 你要是容我把话说完, 我想我可以把此事给你解释清楚.
2 [Tn] satisfy (a perhaps unwarranted or illicit desire) 满足(可能为不正当的或不应有的愿望)
Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost? 你能不能满足我的好奇心, 告诉我那值多少钱?
She indulges his every whim. 她对他的怪念头有求必应.
3 [I, Ipr] ~ (in sth) allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of sth 让自己尽情享受某事物
I shall forget about dieting today. I´m just going to indulge, ie eat and drink what I like. 今天我要把节食计画置之脑後, 想吃什麽就吃什麽.
indulge in (the luxury of) a long hot bath (奢侈地)享受一下泡在浴缸里洗上半天热水澡的美滋味.