1 [Tn] make a mark or set of marks (as if) by cutting into the edge or surface of (sth) (在物体边缘或面上)造成凹陷、 凹坑或缺口
an indented (ie very irregular) coastline 犬牙交错的海岸线.
2 [I, Tn] start (a line of print or writing) further in from the margin than the other lines 缩进(排印或书写一行的前端); 缩排; 缩格书写
Please indent the first line of each paragraph. 请於每段第一行缩格书写.
3 [Ipr] ~ (on sb) for sth (commerce 商 esp Brit) make an official order for goods or stores 订购; 订货
indent on the firm for new equipment, ie place an order for which the firm will pay 为公司订购新设备(订货由公司付款).
indent n (commerce 商 esp Brit) official order for stores or equipment (货物或设备)订货, 定单.