释义 |
1 [U] feeling of intense fear or dismay; terror 恐怖; 恐惧; 惊恐
I recoiled in horror from the snake. 那条蛇把我吓得直往後缩.
To her horror she saw him fall. 她看见他跌下而惊恐万状.
I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift. 我常害怕电梯有故障会把我困於其中.
2 [U]
(a) feeling of intense dislike; hatred 强烈的厌恶; 憎恶; 痛恨
I have a deep horror of cruelty. 我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝.
(b) horrifying nature 恐怖的性质或实况
It´s hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp. 战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的.
3 [C] thing or person that causes hatred or fear 讨厌的事物或人; 令人感到恐怖的事物或人
the horrors of war 战争的惨状.
4 [C] (infml 口) bad or mischievous person, esp a naughty child 坏蛋; 恶作剧的家伙; (尤指)顽皮的孩子
Her son is a right little horror. 她的儿子是个不折不扣的小淘气.
5 the horrors [pl]
(infml 口) fit of depression or nervousness, etc 抑郁症或神经过敏等之发作
Having to address an audience always gives me the horrors. 在大庭广众面前讲话, 我总是感到非常紧张. horror, adj [attrib 作定语]
designed to entertain by arousing pleasurable feelings of horror, shock, etc 以恐怖、 惊吓等为刺激以资娱乐的
horror films/stories/comics 恐怖影片[故事/连环图画].