释义 |
1 most unlikely to improve, succeed, be settled, etc; causing despair 没有希望的; 令人绝望的
a hopeless situation, struggle, attempt, etc 没有希望的局势、 斗争、 尝试等
It´s hopeless trying to convince her. 要说服她是没有希望的.
Most of the students are making good progress but Jeremy seems a hopeless case, ie he cannot or will not learn anything. 大多数学生进步都很快, 但杰里米却似乎无可救药.
2 ~ (at sth) (infml 口) (of a person) lacking in ability or skill; incompetent (指人)无能的, 无技巧的, 不能胜任的
a hopeless cook, teacher, etc 滥竽充数的厨子、 教员等
He´s hopeless at maths. 他对数学一窍不通.