释义 |
1 (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之後) thing, esp an animal or a plant, that feeds in a specified way (以某种方式)进食或吸收养料者(尤指动植物)
a gross, dainty, greedy, etc feeder 吃粗劣食物的、 挑剔的、 贪吃的...进食者.
2 (Brit) baby´s bib or feeding-bottle 围嘴; 奶瓶.
3 subsidiary route or means of transport that links outside areas with the main route, service, etc 支路; 支线
[attrib 作定语]
a new feeder road for the motorway 连接高速公路的新支线.
4 feeding apparatus in a machine 机器的进料装置; 进料器.