1 beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable 不平常的; 不普通的; 非常的; 格外的
Her talents are quite extraordinary. 她才华出众.
extraordinary weather for the time of year 一年中某段时间的反常天气
an extraordinary film about a highly gifted child 关於一个天赋极高的孩子的出色影片.
2 [attrib 作定语]
(fml 文) (of arrangements, meetings, etc) additional to what is usual or ordinary (指安排、 会议等)特别的
an extraordinary general meeting 特别全会.
3 (used immediately after a n 紧接名词之後) (fml 文) (of an official) specially employed; additional to the usual one (指官员)特命的, 特派的
envoy/ambassador extraordinary 特使[特派大使].